Saturday, October 10, 2009

Important people in my Life-1

We take birth alone but we grow up by blessings and contributions of hundreds of people we interact and live with throughout our lives.

In this journey let me start with IITK and with faculty.

In the list of faculty @ IITK the most promising I found are:

1. Dr K Muralidhar who has sometimes treated as if I am his son. He is the strongest or the best promoter of PoWER. If he has not been there at IITK, I could have left it or got into hardcore book/journal-oriented research. With his support and presence, I feel safe and dreamful. I have lots and lots of words for him.
2. Dr Aman Madan who has appreciated all my efforts and guided me a lot to identify the right direction in which we as students can contribute to the society.
3. Dr Laxmidhar Behera, the devout Bhaktivedanti. I like the spirit of the professor but I lack appreciation of his following and his followers doing such things which I may not appreciate. I have a good experience with Bhaktivedanta Club IITK but still want to explore my God independently.
4. Dr Anindita Chakraborty, a beautiful Bengali women of great support for feminist values. She encouraged me to have openness of ideas without bothering of texts which I find the best approach towards studies.
5. Dr Sarani Bhattacharya, a tall Caltech Economist having support for heterodox ideas. If she were absent in IITK, i must have left it. So, she is the strongest force for me to stay at IITK for my initial years. Now I got my own ways but still, i feel extremely good about her support.

I will increase the list with time.

keep on watching.


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